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Infusionsoft / Keap

Once you’ve integrated your RightMessage account with Infusionsoft / Keap (which, for the sake of brevity, we’ll just call ‘Infusionsoft’ from here out!), you’ll be able to use us to capture new contacts, segment your Infusionsoft contacts, and personalize your website with Infusionsoft tags and custom fields.

In this guide, we cover everything you need to know about segmenting and personalizing with Infusionsoft + RightMessage.

Linking RightMessage with Infusionsoft

Linking your RightMessage account with Infusionsoft is really easy.

To start, from the RightMessage dashboard click the ‘gear’ icon and then select Integrations .

Choose  Infusionsoft  and click Connect with Infusionsoft

If you’re not signed in to your Infusionsoft account, sign in now.

Next, click  Allow .

That’s it!

Identifying Infusionsoft contacts on your website

There are a handful of ways that RightMessage “knows” when someone on your website is also in your Infusionsoft account.

For information on how we identify visitors, you’re going to want to read this  crash course guide first.  Once you’ve read that, here are the nuances specific to Infusionsoft…

ID’ing whenever you send an email

Links that point to your website in ActiveCampaign-sent emails will need to be slightly modified in order to pass along the contact’s ID to your website and, thus, to RightMessage.

Doing this is straightforward:

When adding a link in Infusionsoft, modify the URL to include ?rm_isoft=~Contact.Id~ to the end of it.

Infusionsoft’s templating engine will replace ~Contact.Id~ with the actual Contact ID of the recipient, so that someone (say, Contact #12345) will get an email that links to something like

RightMessage will strip out the  rm_isoft=...  bit so that should they share your latest blog post on social media, their unique ID won’t be included.

ID’ing when an Infusionsoft form is submitted

Forms in Infusionsoft can be configured to send new contacts to a custom confirmation page, and the same  rm_isoft query parameter that you’re appending to links can also be added to the URL the form is redirecting people to.

(If you’re using RightMessage to opt people in via our  CTA Funnels , there’s no need to do this – it’s automatic.)

Here’s a help doc from ActiveCampaign’s website on how to configure your forms to do this.

Simply modify the redirect URLs for your Infusionsoft forms to include the following appended to the end of your URLs:  ?rm_isoft=~Contact.Id~

Infusionsoft forms  and  RightMessage’s forms?

Even if you switch entirely to using  RightMessage’s forms  rather than Infusionsoft’s, we recommend that you  continue to create Infusionsoft forms.

Every unique offer in a CTA Funnel, like your newsletter opt-in form, should map to a complimentary newsletter opt-in form you’ve created in Infusionsoft.

You’re going to want to do this both for attribution and automation reasons. By creating this link, you’ll be able to go into any contact in Infusionsoft and see that they’ve submitted so-and-so forms.

You’re not going to need to worry about what you name these forms, or how they’re styled in Infusionsoft, etc.  We’re just going to be using these forms as references.

The Infusionsoft data we can use to segment website visitors

When a visitor is back on your website, RightMessage has immediate access to:

  • Their tags

  • Their custom fields

Check out our sections on segmentation, website personalization, and CTA Funnels for guidance on how to use this data.

Outputting custom fields (like someone’s first name) on your website

With RightMessage, you can output known data (like custom fields) directly to your website. In  our guide to adding contextual data and merge tags , we cover how to do this. But below is a bit of Infusionsoft-specific context.

To include an Infusionsoft custom field value within a text personalization, add:  {{ infusionsoft.customFields.favorite_color } , replacing favorite_color with your custom field of choice. (This field should not have any spaces. Either include underscores,  your_favorite_color, or leave it as a single word, industry.)

An exception should be made for outputting someone’s first name or last name, which are special custom fields. To output the  givenName  custom field (what they call first name), use:  {{ infusionsoft.firstName }}

And to output someone’s email address:  {{ }}